Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness

Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness
A Circle of the Earth
Age 22, Christopher Titmuss quit his job as a news reporter in London in April 1967 to make the overland journey to the east with reliance on a tight budget
Dissatisfied with the West, he set off in late April 1967 heading to the east to learn about himself and other ways of life, cultures and religions.
Based on 400 letters, 20 Diaries and memory, his book includes descriptions of his upbringing, life on the road, the hippy life, mind altering drugs, romantic encounters and brushes with death.
He travelled through 20 countries, including four years in Thailand and two years in India as a Buddhist monk. Christopher describes his meditation experiences and mindfulness practises in the monastery, forest and nine months in a cave.
You also met with leading spiritual teachers of India and Thailand offering candid perceptions.
After Thailand, Australia, South Korea, San Francisco and New York, he arrived back home in early May 1977.
TEN YEARS AND TEN DAYS has the potential to inspire readers to explore their experience living between the sky above and earth below.
A senior spiritual teacher in the West, Christopher Titmuss has been teaching retreats and courses worldwide since the mid-1970s. If the author of 20 books, including Light on Enlightenment, The Political Buddha and the Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness. Poet, social critic and weekly blogger, he lives in Totnes, Devon, England.
Available on Amazon Kindle
516 pages
ISBN 917-1-5272-8274-2
Price £14.99, €16.50, $20.00