Spirit for Change
Christopher Titmuss
Available from Insight Books (Totnes).
7 Denys road
Devon TQ9 5TJ
162 pages
ISBN 1-85425-015-9
Spirituality is often seen as something quite apart from the affairs of this world. Yet many people who are engaged in the struggle for social change also have a powerful spiritual commitment. In this challenging and enlightening book, Christopher Titmuss talks to a number of people, many of them already well known for their political and social activity, about the profound spiritual motivation which inspires them. They also talk of the crisis which is threatening the planet, and the kind of constructive response they have been able to make at a time when hope is often in short supply. Christopher interviews 14 people dedicated to social change. They include Joanna Macy, U Nu (former prime minister of Burma) John seed, Sulak Sivaraksa, Dr. Aryaratna and Fritjof Capra.