Buddhist Wisdom for Daily Living (hardback, illustrated)
Christopher Titmuss
Godsfield Press
160 Pages
ISBN 1-84181-118-1
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The voice of the Buddha matters as much today as it did 2500 years ago, and Buddhist Wisdom for Daily Living brings this into focus, acting as a bridge between those ancient teachings and the lives of everyday people. The essential tools and sites that are to be discovered within the Buddhist tradition are introduced and explored, and are set within the context of contemporary life - the here and now - making accessible to all of us. Buddhist Wisdom for Daily Living should be seen as a practical manual for those who wish to find kindness, clarity and insight; to find the relevance of Buddhist teachings to our Western way of life; and to discover something of the rewards of following a Buddhist path. A number of meditations are offered for each section with advice on beginning a meditation practice and meditating in the correct posture. This insight and practical book brings the words of the Buddha into the various aspects of our lives, addressing the very real concerns such as our approach to problems at work and relationships, or issues around diet and body image, and offers a different perspective and liberating alternatives.