has around 450 audio talks, plus guided meditation and inquiry sessions on
Dharma Seed Tape Library has more than 500 talks, guided meditations and inquiry sessions.
Soundcloud has about 1300 talks etc.
All are in mp3 format
Click on link beneath photo on this page.
Photo shows teachings in the Forest Meditation Centre at Dhammananda Community, The Channon NSW Australia.
Due to climate change, the centre had to 2022. Raging fires, major storms and intense rainfalls made the centre unsafe.
Brief summary below of a handful of the talks. Length of talks ranges from 35 - 60 minutes.
The Benefits and the Limits of the Present Moment
A common spiritual view claims that there is only the Now. We are encouraged to be harmonious and one
with the now. Certain gurus claim that the now is the true reality. This gives the feeling of oneness. So truth
is then oneness. Is it? Is it the true reality? It is not a teaching of the Buddha to make such claims about
oneness and the now. 48 minutes.
Mindfulness, the self and Emptiness
Experience comes before theory and knowledge. Mindfulness goes to body, feelings, states of mind and
Dharma and the process of conditionality, rather than attributing events to the self to show the emptiness of
self. See what leads to what. 59 minutes.
Questions to Christopher on Emptiness and Freedom
Freedom has no form, nor shape, no substance, nor beginning nor ending, yet such seeing is knowable.
Freedom is empty of being any ‘thing.’ We need to distinguish a need from desire (a problematic wanting).
1hr 30 mins.
Exploration of Dukkha
We can experience dukkha (unsatisfactoriness, suffering, stress) and know experiences without dukkha. We
do not realise how we build up dependency. Dharma teachings point to a life without friction with the body
or the inner life. Let me take responsibility for what I am feeling and thinking. This is an act of maturity.
56 mins.
Is the Dharma Prolife or Anti Life?
Are there areas in my life where restraint is necessary? The restraint must be named. Are there areas which
we need to develop? Reading a beautiful poem of life and death by Christopher’s grandson, aged 10. If we
hold to a precise image of what we want, we can search everywhere for its presence or non-presence.
56 mins.
Aspects of the Way
The Way or the Path is a widely used metaphor. There is no confirmation in the nature of the path but only
of diversity in the field of experience. Problems arise through the inflation of differences in our relationship
to the path to the level of causing suffering. The inflation of differences leads to conflict.
1 hr 28 mins.
The Dharma that is Difficult to See
A commentary on the Buddha’s discourse on his Noble Search. An exploration of the experience of
authentic freedom. Wisdom sees into conditionality, into dependent arising of events. Any longing is also
dependent arising and often hard to see. It is difficult to see dependent arising as liberation. 1 hr 3 mins
What is Tantra?
People get separated from each other due to beliefs – monks/nuns from householders. Tantra means to
weave together, to expand. Tantra draws upon different traditions, sexuality, sensuality and daily life rather
than live trapped in a box
53 minutes.
Desire and the Divine
Intention and action do not require desire to get a result. There is also the desirer, the desire and the desired.
These three form together. What is our relationship to results? The field of time, past, present and future is in
this process of desire. The divine is not in the field of pleasure and pain. The divine reveals love. A god has
transcended the limits of being human. The divine makes something beautiful happen.
57 minutes
Who is the Meditator?
The teachings explore the nature of the self, of I.
The “I” cannot sit. Only the body can “sit.” The “I”
identifies with the body so we say “I am sitting here.” There is the pure witness who witnesses the variety of
experiences. Control and will power is the problem of the meditator. Am I the pure witness or can we go
50 minutes.
Karma and Truth
We look upon the wholesome influence of the past upon the present. It is good karma. Sometimes we feel
the past oppresses our present. Truth examines causes and conditions and the effects. Seeing clearly
exhausts unsatisfactory influences from the past. We are not interested in an abstract truth but a wise
response to events.
50 minutes.
A Dharma Talk on Memorial Day in Israel for the Holocaust
It is vital and necessary to stop, be silent and still for recollection of what was. Are there influences from the past which influence
our consciousness today? Human beings are a collective and we can know the benefits of recollection or else the shadows of the past will affect us today

Audio talks
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